The Official Guide To Starting Your Own Christian Black Metal Band


Headquarters – Today, we at The Daily Unblack are here to help you start your own Christian black metal band! Have you ever wondered how other bands do it or how you can be just as good as them? Well worry not, we have devised a systematic and meticulous guide on exactly just how to do it!

First things first, you must be certain on exactly which kind of black metal you’ll be playing. In order to answer this question, we need to question you for some answers:

  1. Does your band have any members aside from you? y/n

…Since you most likely said no, we’ll jump straight ahead to the next part:

What genre should you play in the immense field of sub-subgenres of the black metal subgenre? Should you play atmospheric black metal or symphonic black metal? How about avant-garde black metal or technical black? Raw black metal or high-production black metal?

Well let’s cut to the chase shall we and find out:

  1. Do you have bills to pay? y/n
  2. Does someone presently pay the bills for you? y/n

You probably answered yes to one or both of those questions, so we have just the answer for you!

The genre you should play is… (drum roll) raw black metal! No mortgage, rent or student loan can stop the creation of raw black metal, it’s practically free to make! Sure, you can self-produce your music to be higher quality, but it’ll probably be some time until you’re mixing like Jamie King. As well as you could technically make any genre, but it’ll still be raw at this point.

What about a band name to go with that raw black metal sound?

  1. Seasonal names, using Winter or Autumn are good choices, don’t forget this is Christian black metal so Spring and Summer are usable too!
  2. The book of Revelation names, these are always brutal!
  3. Using Hebrew, Greek or Latin, take a Christian sounding word like justify or discipline and just translate it!
  4. Last but not least, again taking Christian sounding words and adding “tion” to them for that extra zing: justification or disciplination!

Now that you have your genre, your band name – all that’s left are the lyrics! What lyrics should you choose to use? Our extensive studies show that the book of Revelation is your go to. What better topic than the sheer destruction of all the world? We here at The Daily Unblack know that there is not much better to write about than total obliteration, with this guide you’ll be cranking out that debut in no time!

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